Rust for Cross-Language System Libraries

21 February 2018

We have been building libpasta as a simple, usable solution to password hashing and migration. The goal for libpasta is to be a cross-platform, cross-language system library.

libpasta is written in Rust, exports a C-style API, and builds to a static/shared library. Most languages support calling external libraries through foreign function interfaces (FFIs), and the end result can be seen in the documentation where each language has access to the libpasta functionality.

This post is about how we use Rust + cbindgen + Swig to automate the process of creating bindings in each language which should feel like a natively-written library.

This does not necessarily apply to existing systems libraries which are rewritten in Rust, since bindings may already exist in multiple languages and the Rust library will have to export identically defined functions as expected by the library users.

Along the way, we cover some of the sharp edges you may encounter when using FFI.

Step 1. From Rust to C

Consider the most basic function in libpasta:

pub fn hash_password(password: &str) -> String {

which takes in a reference to a string and returns a new String.

Such a simple function should be easy to export as a C function, right? But a String is basically just a vector of bytes Vec<u8>, whereas a C string would be an array of chars terminated in a null byte \0.

Luckily, the std::ffi module contains a lot of the details necessary to make this conversion work. We can go from a pointer *const char to a borrowed &Cstr, and call to_str on that to (maybe) get a &str (it checks whether the input is indeed a legitimate UTF-8 string).

Similarly, given a Rust String, this can be converted to a CString and converted into a raw pointer of type *mut c_char.

All this information and much more can be found in the FFI omnibus, a fantastic resource for using Rust + FFI. Using all of this, it becomes easy enough to build the extern version of hash_password, perhaps ending up with something like1:

pub extern fn hash_password(password: *const c_char) -> *mut c_char {
    let password = unsafe {
    let hash = libpasta::hash_password(password);

Until you read these lines from the Omnibus:

Returning an allocated string via FFI is complicated for the same reason that returning an object is: the Rust allocator can be different from the allocator on the other side of the FFI boundary.

Ownership of the string is transferred to the caller, but the caller must return the string to Rust in order to properly deallocate the memory.

This is a huge pain. For something as simple as “input a string, return a string” we now require the caller to call free_string(s) on every s returned by this function.

Manually calling free on everything might be standard practice in C, but most other languages will find this cumbersome. Leaving this around feels like a particularly sharp edge for users to deal with, and does not mesh well with the ease-of-use goal for libpasta.

We will show how Swig solves this in step 3, but first, a quick look at how cbdingen makes using these extern definitions easier.

Step 2. Static libs and using cbindgen

Currently, we leave the libpasta crate as the pure-Rust crate, and define a new crate libpasta-capi to contain all of the extern functions we create in step 1.

By adding the lines:

crate-type = ["cdylib", "staticlib"]

to our Cargo.toml file, cargo will now build shared/dynamic (e.g. *.so) and static (e.g. *.a) versions of the library. More about crate types in the book. The long-term goal is for, or windows-equivalent, to be installable from libpasta-capi as a shared library for re-use. In the shorter term, to help with testing, the static version is useful.

Now any language which can call out to libraries can access these functions. For example, in C we just need to define a header file and link to the library. cbindgen is a Rust tool to help with this process. It can either be used as a CLI tool, or added to as part of the build process, and generates a C or C++ header file from any extern function definitions.

Running cargo build with cbindgen in our results in:

char *hash_password(const char *password);

Automating the conversion of Rust extern functions to a C header file is a nice thing to have, resulting in one fewer place where changes need to be made when modifying the exported functions. cbindgen also has a bunch of nice features, and handles structs and enums well It also makes for a reasonably effective sense-check. For example, for a regular enum, cbindgen will just consider it an opaque struct, whereas using #[repr(C)] will produce an actual C enum definition.

Step 3. Language bindings with SWIG

SWIG is a tool for generating wrapper code for C/C++ code. It takes in a header definition file, and outputs language-specific interfaces.

It is difficult to convey adequately here just how much heavy lifting Swig is doing. But consider all the caveats from step 1 when going Rust <-> C, and imagine handling all of these for many languages automatically.

As opposed to simply running Swig on a header file, it is more common to use a special .i interface file. This file is used to help guide the behaviour of Swig, and define additional functionality.

With Swig, we can efficiently solve the annoying String deallocation problem from earlier! The line %newobject hash_password tells Swig that the return object from hash_password should be owned, and therefore needs to be cleaned up by the native code. Next, the annotation %typemap(newfree) char * "free_string($1);";, tells Swig how to delete a char * - by calling free_string on that value.

For example, in the case of python, you get code like this (wrapper code is C++):

result = (char *)hash_password((char const *)arg1);
resultobj = SWIG_FromCharPtr((const char *)result);
if (alloc1 == SWIG_NEWOBJ) delete[] buf1;
return resultobj;

That is, the wrapper code calls hash_password, and attempts to create a native python string from the char* pointer. On a success, the original Rust string is deallocated using free_string.

Putting it all together

Suppose we now add the functionality to verify password hashes in libpasta:

pub fn verify_password(hash: &str, password: &str) -> bool {

First we write the libpasta-capi version:

pub extern fn verify_password(hash: *const c_char, pw: *const c_char) -> bool {

Building with cargo automatically gives us the compiled libraries, and a header file including:

#include <stdbool.h>

bool verify_password(const char *hash, const char *password);

Note that cbindgen has included stdbool.h for us, we might have missed that otherwise.

And running Swig over the new header file will give us verify_password definitions in all our target languages.

>>> h1 = libpasta.hash_password("hunter2")
>>> libpasta.verify_password(h1, "hunter2")

With very little work we have a Python function returning Python booleans, and not just an integer which we may need to check the value.

Taking it further: Structs and functions

Up to this point we are still dealing with very simple functions which requires little interaction with the Rust code itself. The setup is just “thing goes in, Rust does computation, thing comes out”. So the filler code we have is mostly just type conversions.

However, libpasta supports configuration using the Config struct, which impls the same functions, for example:

impl Config {
    fn new() -> Self {

    fn hash_password(&self, password: &str) -> String {

After consulting with the FFI Omnibus again, we realise Config needs to be used as an opaque pointer. Any methods of Config need to be exposed as a new function (effectively turning config.hash_password(pw) into Config::hash_password(config, pw)). Following the same steps as before, we try to define the extern variant as:

pub extern fn config_new() -> *mut Config {

pub extern fn config_hash_password(config: *const Config, pw: *const c_char)
    -> *mut c_char

pub extern  fn config_free(config: *mut Config) {

cbindgen will happily oblige to turn Config into a opaque pointer by defining

struct Config;

and wrapping the other methods as usual.

However, this is where things get a bit more difficult. We cannot use the %newobject trick in Swig from before, since we aren’t able to clone Config to anything meaningful in the target language. But we still don’t want to force the user to perform freeing manually.

We could follow the advice from the FFI Omnibus in each language to turn these into structs/classes/objects or whatever each language offers, but this defeats the purpose of using Swig.

Instead, we create a new C++ class in our Swig interface file, which will be inlined in the wrapper code, (using namespacing to avoid naming clashes but Swig will flatten namespaces by default). Since Swig supports C++, these classes will be converted into the appropriate object in the target languages.

namespace libpasta {
    class Config {
        ffi::Config *self;

            Config() {
                self = config_new();
            ~Config() {
                self = NULL;
            char *hash_password(const char *password) {
                return config_hash_password(self, password);

Now Swig will do the work to convert these to proper, native methods. Which can be used like:

>>> import libpasta
>>> cfg = libpasta.Config()
>>> cfg
<libpasta.Config; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'libpasta::Config *' at 0x7fae3bb85b70> >
>>> cfg.hash_password("hunter2")

Which in my opinion is pretty cool.

After creating these bindings, there is still the task of packaging each language binding in each of the unique packaging methodologies… But that’s an orthogonal problem which exists in either case.

What if

This is a pretty effective setup. We can write our Rust code as idiomatic as we want, write a few standard extern functions to access the main methods, and Swig mostly does the rest.

However, the whole Rust -> C -> C++ -> Swig process is really one, if not two, hops too many. The C++ classes we are exposing are really the same Rust structs we would like to expose. It would be interesting to know whether wrapper C++ code could be written for Rust, which would effectively do the same as cbindgen.

Even better would be perhaps procedural macros for Rust structs and functions which automatically derives these wrapper functions and builds the corresponding header files. It would be interesting to know the potential pitfalls of this approach.

A few closing remarks

  • Some languages have projects dedicated to interacting with Rust. E.g. ruru for Ruby <-> Rust. These potentially perform better, create better bindings, or have more features. I haven’t investigated yet and would be interested to know. In the future individual bindings could be improved this way.
  • I haven’t yet benchmarked the overhead of all of this. However, since password hashing is intentionally slow (0.1-0.5s for example), this overhead should hopefully be a negligible amount. But for other libraries this might not be acceptable.
  • Are there any obvious Rust patterns which are going to be a nightmare to wrap in C++? I haven’t yet tried to wrap error handling yet, but Swig has support for this. Also, cbindgen will happily convert a sum type/tagged union enum into a similar C++ struct using union, but Swig doesn’t yet support those, so they have to be handled a bit more manually.
  • For long-term projects, it’s less likely that the API will be changing drastically, potentially reducing the value in doing any of the above. But its still useful (in my opinion) for the initial work.

Thanks for reading! Happy to respond to any comments on the reddit thread, or reach out to me on twitter.

  1. This does have the unfortunate unwrap, which panics in case there is a \0 byte in the string, which is permitted in Rust Strings. In the case of libpasta, everything is usually base64 encoded so should not happen.
