We can use the FFI definitions output by Rust directly in C code. However, unlike with the SWIG bindings, we are required to manually free the strings after use, as in the following simple example.
### in pasta.h
#include <stdbool.h>
extern char * hash_password(const char *password);
extern bool verify_password(const char* hash, const char *password);
extern void free_string(const char *);
extern char * read_password(const char *prompt);
#include "pasta.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
char *hash, *password;
hash = hash_password("hello123");
password = read_password("Please enter the password (hint: hello123):");
if (verify_password(hash, password)) {
printf("Correct password\n");
} else {
printf("Sorry, that is incorrect\n");
return 0;
Which is compiled in the usual way:
$ ls
pasta.h test.c
$ gcc test.c -lpasta -otest
$ ./test
Please enter the password (hint: hello123):
Correct password